Welcome to 'Between Two Firms,' DISCO's video series showcasing captivating individuals in the field of law.
Why are lawyers notoriously slow to adopt new technologies? DISCO’s Chief Marketing Officer, Tom Furr, and Melanie Antoon – legal technology expert and Senior Vice President of Professional Services at DISCO – unravel this issue in the premiere episode of “Between Two Firms.”
The power and potential of adopting legal technology
Although tech-savvy in their personal lives, lawyers often approach technology in their professional spaces with caution. Melanie addresses their concerns and sheds light on the untapped potential of embracing cutting-edge legal tech.
Learn how adopting legal technology can help equalize access to justice, differentiate your career in a competitive landscape, and give you the confidence to navigate the overwhelming influx of data in today's digital age.
Want to Law Better? Learn how Cecilia, DISCO’s new AI assistant, can help your team handle large cases with ease.