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DISCO Timelines

Create your timeline in minutes with AI and easily update it throughout your case.

people working from office

Easily create and maintain your timelines

Drag and drop any case document to create a collaborative timeline in minutes that can be easily updated throughout the life of the case – all while the opposing counsel is still trying to format their spreadsheet.

AI-powered speed

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Upload a complaint or any other case document, and your AI-generated timeline will be created in minutes.

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Review the highlighted sections of your document to easily check the AI’s work.

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Powerful search

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Easily find what you are looking for by searching across all facts, notes, and work product using Westlaw-style search syntax.

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Use powerful filters narrow down your timeline by date, evidence, tags, witnesses, and more.

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Sort your facts by any attribute you care about with a single click.

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Sync with Ediscovery

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Gain key case context by viewing and searching your timeline while reviewing documents in Ediscovery.

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Easily add documents to your timeline or create facts directly from the document viewer.

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Secure collaboration

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Seamlessly work with your team on a single copy of a timeline with everyone’s work consolidated.

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Securely access your timeline from any device with an internet connection.

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Start building your timeline

Curious to learn how DISCO Timelines could work for your firm? Find out how DISCO Timelines can help you build better case strategies for your clients, faster. See our platform in action with a customized demo, today.