Witness Assessment Programs: What They Are and Why Your Firm Needs One
Witness Assessment Programs: What They Are and Why Your Firm Needs One
The process of selecting expert witnesses is something that many legal professionals believe is second-nature. Many of which don't see a problem behind their selection process, if they have one. However, most legal professionals still rely on rolling the dice with someone found online. Often times they are left to start from scratch because the lead attorney didn't record a witness that was helpful in a previous matter. It takes a considerable amount of manual effort to obtain an expert for a case. Add on the extra workload of identifying and/or assessing witness performance, this is a nightmare many don't know they are having. Fortunately, there is a way to maintain and leverage insights such as credibility, persuasiveness, and cost when selecting expert witnesses. This guide will teach you how to modernize witness selection through an assessment program. By following these best practices, you can be more confident that you're selecting the best possible expert witness for every case and in the most efficient manner possible.
Witness Assessment Programs: What They Are and Why Your Firm Needs One
The process of selecting expert witnesses is something that many legal professionals believe is second-nature. Many of which don't see a problem behind their selection process, if they have one. However, most legal professionals still rely on rolling the dice with someone found online. Often times they are left to start from scratch because the lead attorney didn't record a witness that was helpful in a previous matter. It takes a considerable amount of manual effort to obtain an expert for a case. Add on the extra workload of identifying and/or assessing witness performance, this is a nightmare many don't know they are having. Fortunately, there is a way to maintain and leverage insights such as credibility, persuasiveness, and cost when selecting expert witnesses. This guide will teach you how to modernize witness selection through an assessment program. By following these best practices, you can be more confident that you're selecting the best possible expert witness for every case and in the most efficient manner possible.