Onboarding Deposition Management Software That Improves Outcomes and Impresses Clients — and a Judge
Onboarding Deposition Management Software That Improves Outcomes and Impresses Clients — and a Judge
Learn how trial firm Negretti & Associates used DISCO’s deposition management tool, Case Builder, to successfully prepare for trial on a short timeline — and impress the court with their technical acumen. Preparing for a dispositive hearing in a contentious arbitration, an innovative trial law firm, Negretti & Associates (the Firm), needed a tool to help them effectively analyze the transcripts and video from a case involving multiple Zoom depositions. Founded with a culture of efficiency and communication, the Firm’s fully remote team relies on modern-day technologies to keep cases running smoothly and improve the litigation process for their clients. The Firm chose DISCO Case Builder because it provided a cloud-native, collaborative deposition management tool, a network of trusted support, and expert services. With Case Builder, the Firm hoped to improve collaboration, maximize the value of video evidence, and wow in the courtroom. Ultimately, the Firm found so much value in their first case using DISCO Case Builder that they jumped at the chance to use Case Builder on subsequent cases.
Onboarding Deposition Management Software That Improves Outcomes and Impresses Clients — and a Judge
Learn how trial firm Negretti & Associates used DISCO’s deposition management tool, Case Builder, to successfully prepare for trial on a short timeline — and impress the court with their technical acumen. Preparing for a dispositive hearing in a contentious arbitration, an innovative trial law firm, Negretti & Associates (the Firm), needed a tool to help them effectively analyze the transcripts and video from a case involving multiple Zoom depositions. Founded with a culture of efficiency and communication, the Firm’s fully remote team relies on modern-day technologies to keep cases running smoothly and improve the litigation process for their clients. The Firm chose DISCO Case Builder because it provided a cloud-native, collaborative deposition management tool, a network of trusted support, and expert services. With Case Builder, the Firm hoped to improve collaboration, maximize the value of video evidence, and wow in the courtroom. Ultimately, the Firm found so much value in their first case using DISCO Case Builder that they jumped at the chance to use Case Builder on subsequent cases.