Streamlined productions
Choose ediscovery software that makes even complex productions fast and easy
Reclaim time for review and QC
Producing documents shouldn't take all day or require constant back-and-forth. Our cloud eDiscovery software uses auto-scaling infrastructure, so your production never has to wait in line behind anyone else's. Over 89% of all productions in DISCO eDiscovery take less than 30 minutes to run.
Configure and run productions in as few as four clicks
In legacy platforms, productions require users to manually move their documents through more than a dozen different steps. We designed our ediscovery tools to simplify the production process and remove unnecessary steps.
Never wait in line behind someone else's production with our auto-scaling infrastructure.
No additional steps required for imaging. All documents are imaged upon ingest at no additional charge.
Even if you have a production due that day, you can still make dinner plans without worrying. If there's a last-minute change, you can quickly run the production again.
Fully control your production
Use ediscovery software that lets you easily meet even the most complex production specifications without the hassle of going back and forth with a vendor to get your production settings right.
With our metadata picker, you can choose, order, and format your load file to meet any production protocol.
Customize everything from stamps to field names to slip sheets — so you never have to go back and edit the .dat file after the fact
Meet DISCO Ediscovery
Learn more about how DISCO can solve your ediscovery challenges.
DISCO Ediscovery blogs
Let’s Talk Ediscovery
Curious to find out how DISCO works for your organization? Accelerate review times, improve accuracy with advanced AI, and secure your data while lowering costs with transparent predictable pricing.
See our Ediscovery platform in action with a customized demo