Screenshot: Get access to your data faster

Get access to your data faster

Start reviewing in minutes with DISCO’s sophisticated data management tools and enjoy complete autonomy over your data.

Use one convenient platform for ingesting, processing, and reviewing documents

Upload load files and native files at high speed into your ediscovery software, so you can spend more time on substantive legal work

Perform overlays to update the metadata, images, OCR text, or native files associated with documents in your database

Easy self-service ingest

Tired of delays from using vendors to ingest data? Users can ingest their own data in our data management suite quickly — most native ingests are completed in under 30 minutes.

Preserve data integrity and reveal all metadata and hidden content

Automatically generate near-native files and OCRed text for easy review in our lightning-fast doc viewer

Navigate or filter uploaded data by ingested file path or ingest session

Screenshot: Easy self-service ingest
Graphic: Enrich now to save time later

Enrich now to save time later

Our ediscovery tools automatically enrich ingested data with no additional software, steps, or cost.

Case insights are available within minutes of adding new data, as similarity scores (or near-dupe identification), conversation threads, topic clusters, and AI scores (based on past tagging) are calculated when data is ingested

OCR is automatically applied so documents are full-text searchable and production-ready throughout your case

Imaging is performed up front to avoid delays at the production step

Meet DISCO Ediscovery

Learn more about how DISCO can solve your ediscovery challenges.

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Transparent ediscovery pricing

DISCO’s flat-rate, per-gigabyte pricing model eliminates surprises and allows for better budget planning.

Learn more

DISCO Ediscovery blogs


IDC Positions DISCO as a Leader in MarketScape Reports: Early Case Assessment (ECA) and eDiscovery Review Software

DISCO Ediscovery

Product Spotlight

Perform Early Case Assessment (ECA) Faster

DISCO Ediscovery

Product Spotlight

Speak the Language of Your Case Sooner Using Topic Clustering with Automatic Indexing

DISCO Ediscovery

Let’s Talk Ediscovery

Curious to find out how DISCO works for your organization? Speed up review times, improve accuracy with advanced AI, and secure your data while lowering costs with transparent predictable pricing.

See our Ediscovery platform in action with a customized demo