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Legal Timeline Software

DISCO Timelines

Create your timeline in minutes with and easily update it throughout your case with industry-leading litigation timeline software.

A screenshot of DISCO Timelines

Easily create and manage legal case chronologies

Drag and drop any case document to create a collaborative timeline in minutes that can be easily updated throughout the life of the case – all while the opposing counsel is still trying to format their spreadsheet.

Craft compelling legal timelines, backed by evidence

Collaborate on, easily update, and link your litigation timelines to ‌supporting evidence, wherever that evidence may be. If you use our GenAI tools to create a timeline, you can always check its work by referencing the exact sentences that resulted in a fact and summary.

Generate case chronologies in minutes with AI

Create an entire case timeline with citations to the evidence while opposing counsel is still trying to format their spreadsheet. Just drag and drop any case document, such as a complaint, and our GenAI, Cecilia, will take it from there.

Seamlessly organize key events and documents

Filter, sort, and rearrange your timeline to organize and display a sequence of events as suits you best — whether in a traditional, list timeline, or as a visual timeline. 

 Meet DISCO Timelines

Curious to learn how DISCO Timelines could work for your firm? Learn how we can help you build better case strategies for your clients, faster.

Start building your timeline

Curious to learn how DISCO Timelines could work for your firm? Find out how DISCO Timelines can help you build better case strategies for your clients, faster. See our platform in action with a customized demo, today.