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Reduce QC Before You Start Your Review

Product Spotlight
4 Min Read
Caitlin Ward
June 23, 2021
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In the Sound of Music, Julie Andrews demonstrates her wisdom when she sings, “Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.” This week, DISCO is releasing a feature inspired by this principle that is expected to save legal teams hundreds of hours during large-scale, structured reviews.

Last year, we highlighted how DISCO’s real-time QC capabilities can drastically cut down on the time needed for QC at the end of the review by catching mistakes early before they propagate. But what if you could prevent tagging mistakes from happening in the first place?  

Our new conditional coding feature helps review teams prevent mistakes from occurring through easy-to-set-up conditional rules for tagging documents. Reducing the need for QC by enforcing specific rules saves case teams time and money, not to mention headaches, getting documents out the door faster and with better results.

Reduced risk with increased efficiency

At DISCO, we know that reducing risk in productions while getting work product out the door efficiently are priorities that can fight against each other. To put it plainly, you want to QC as few documents as possible to ensure you’re not producing information that should be withheld, or conversely, excluding documents that should be produced. 

In tackling this, most legal professionals save the time-consuming responsiveness, redaction, and privilege QC until the last minute (unless they’re already taking advantage of DISCO’s unique real-time QC). Using real-time tools will get you to producible documents faster since you’re running QC checks in parallel to the review. But what if you could prevent certain conflicts or tagging decisions from happening and reduce the need for any QC at all?

Within DISCO Workflow, review managers can now set up conditional coding rules that will prevent reviewers from making mistakes in the first place. This rules engine is powerful and flexible and can govern tags, redactions, notes, user-defined fields, and more. 

Here are just a few examples of rules we’ve seen our review managers create:

  • If a document is tagged confidential, then it must have a redaction. 
  • If a document is tagged responsive, then it must have a privilege determination. 
  • If a document is tagged privilege, then it must have a privilege note. 
  • Conversely, if a document has a privilege note, then it must have a privilege tag (Otherwise, yikes! Start preparing your clawback letter.)
Conditional rules in action. DISCO Review Stages stops the reviewer from advancing and prompts them on the rules they must meet to move forward in easy-to-understand language.

Importantly, users don’t have to hold a master’s degree in computer science to set up and manage these rules. Nor do they need to have our professional services team set them up. (Feel free to reach out, though! Our legal technologists are on call to help users make the most of DISCO and are frankly awesome to talk with). 

DISCO’s conditional coding is built into the review stage decision panel so there’s no need to go hunting for the rules that apply to any particular stage and modifications are simple to make as the review progresses. With just a few clicks, users can set up complex rules and then review them in plain English to make sure they make sense.

Rules aren't limited to tags. Any work product you can include on your decision panel can be the basis of a rule — from redactions to privilege notes and more.

By helping to prevent review teams from making mistakes you’ll have to go back and correct later, DISCO helps reduce risk while getting your production-ready faster.

Interested in learning more about how DISCO’s review workflows and built-in QC tools can help speed up your time to meaningful evidence? Schedule a demo or talk to one of our consultants.

Using GenAI for Doc Review: Skills and Best Practices

In this session, hear from DISCO AI experts Dr. Robert Harrington and James Park on using generative AI for doc review.

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