Generative AI to find the facts at any scale

Interrogate your evidence — literally. Ask a question about your case, and get an answer supported by the cited documents in your database.

Plus, summarize individual documents with one click right in the platform — generate unlimited summaries of long contracts or even foreign language documents. DISCO Ediscovery with Cecilia fast-tracks your understanding of your case with secure, verifiable generative AI.

  • "It took 2-3 hours to investigate a specific question via a traditional workflow vs. 15 minutes with Cecilia Q&A." – Senior Associate, Am Law 200
  • “The traditional workflow is to run searches for a person’s name to get a sense of who they are. But when I ask Cecilia who a person is, I get information from the key documents. It’s at least twice as fast.” – Counsel, Am Law 50
  • “DISCO reduces our costs, it reduces our time, and it reduces our risk.”— Head of Ediscovery, Am Law 20

Let us show you how Cecilia can enhance your DISCO Ediscovery experience. Fill out the form and a DISCO representative will be in touch shortly.