Review Product Terms

1. Scope

This document provides supplemental information and terms related to DISCO’s document review services (“DISCO Review”).  All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein will have the meanings given to such terms in DISCO’s Terms and Conditions as well as the Order governing Customer’s use of DISCO Review.  DISCO Review constitutes Professional Services under DISCO’s Terms and Conditions.

2. Offering Description

DISCO Review uses contract personnel as reviewers.  DISCO Review managers manage and monitor the review process, manage review site logistics, train reviewers, design and administer workflow, and provide daily progress reporting.  Use of a DISCO Review manager is required in addition to the contract reviewers.

3. Billing Metric

Hourly:  Review performed on an hourly basis per established review protocol.

Flat Fee:  Flat-fee pricing for DISCO Review calculated per-document based on the number of documents in the review population.  The flat-fee pricing does not include additional DISCO Professional Services time and is subject to tag volume limits, global staffing, and DISCO AI-optimized workflows.

Per Doc:  Review project where subset of the total document population (or the entire review population, where the size of the review population is unknown upon project launch) is reviewed on a per document rate.