Ediscovery Product Terms

1. Scope 

This document provides supplemental information and terms that apply to DISCO’s Ediscovery Technology Offering (the “Ediscovery Offering”). All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein will have the meanings given to such terms in DISCO’s Terms and Conditions as well as the Order governing Customer’s use of the Ediscovery Offering.

2. Offering Description

Ediscovery Offerings are hosted solutions that include processing, ECA, hosting, search, review, analytics, workflow, productions, and related functionality.

Active Review.  Active Review includes full use of the Ediscovery Offering.  

ECA.  Early case assessment (“ECA”) functionality allows Customer to ingest and explore data to identify data to cull or promote to Active Review.  ECA also may be a long-term repository for data that was not promoted to Active Review initially, but that may be promoted later as Customer’s needs change.  ECA includes standard search, filtering, bulk tagging and foldering of documents, but it does not permit Customer to produce documents, use review stages or exhibit sets, or tag or folder individual documents.

Vault.  Customer may place inactive databases in Vault nearline storage (“Vault”) for long-term retention.  Databases in Vault retain all work product, but may not be utilized by Customer unless first restored to Active Review.  Vault storage is only applied at the database level, and Customer does not have the ability to place individual portions of a database into Vault.

3. Authorized Use Metric

Database:  The data storage system that stores and organizes the data ingested into the Ediscovery Offering. The total database size is measured in GB.

4. Terms of Use

No Use as a Processing Tool.  DISCO does not support or allow using the Ediscovery Offering as a processing tool for data to be loaded into another review platform.

Data Under Management.  Data in the Ediscovery Offering may reside in Active Review, in ECA, or in Vault.  

Movement of Data between Active Review, ECA, and Vault.  Data may be ingested into Active Review or ECA.  All data ingested through Professional Services will be ingested into Active Review unless Customer instructs DISCO Professional Services otherwise.  Data in ECA may be promoted to Active Review at any time within the Ediscovery Offering or by sending written notice to Professional Services.  Data in Active Review may not be moved to ECA.  Databases may be moved between Active Review and Vault at any time by sending written notice to DISCO Professional Services.

Removing Data or Deactivating a Database.  Data may be removed at any time within the Ediscovery Offering or with written notice to DISCO Professional Services specifically identifying the data to be removed. To deactivate an entire database, Customer must deactivate the database in DISCO Ediscovery or submit a database deletion request to DISCO at support.csdisco.com. Instructions to deactivate a database delivered in any other way will not be effective. All data removal and data deletion will be carried out in accordance with DISCO’s standard processes and procedures.