Case Builder Product Terms

1. Scope 

This document provides supplemental information and terms that apply to DISCO’s Case Builder Technology Offering (the “Case Builder Offering”). All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein will have the meanings given to such terms in DISCO’s Terms and Conditions as well as the Order governing Customer’s use of the Case Builder Offering.

2. Offering Description

The Case Builder Offering is DISCO’s hosted litigation case-management solution that consists of a series of modules designed for litigation and fact management, including timelines, depositions, witness management and related functionality.    

3. Authorized Use Metric

Database:  A Case Builder Offering database is “active” from the time data is created in or added to that database (an “Active Case Builder Database”).

Named User:  A “Named User” is an entitlement for a single individual to use the Case Builder Offering on behalf of Customer.  With respect to the Case Builder Offering provided on a Transactional Model, a Named User must be designated within the Case Builder Offering.  All Named Users shall be Authorized Users under the Terms and Conditions.  Named User seats may be reallocated by Customer in connection with an individual user’s departure from the Customer organization, case team or similar circumstance.  Charges for Named Users will be assessed according to Customer’s Order.

4. Terms of Use 

The Case Builder Offering shall not be used solely as a processing tool for the creation and export of synchronization files or for commercial use as a synchronization file generator.  The Case Builder Offering is intended for use as a case-management platform and includes storage of documents being used in active litigation.  DISCO does not support or allow using the Case Builder Offering as a general document-management system or as a platform for processing or hosting ediscovery data.  For ediscovery, Customer should use DISCO Ediscovery.  While DISCO expects Customer will not exceed the data cap during ordinary use of the Case Builder Offering for storage of depositions and other non-ediscovery case documents, the following data caps apply:

  1. Transactional Case Builder Data Cap: 50 GB per Named User per Active Case Builder Database.
  2. Subscription Case Builder Data Cap: 200 GB per Named User across all Active Case Builder Databases governed by the applicable Order.

Deactivation of a Database.  To deactivate an Active Case Builder Database, Customer must provide written notice to (including the name of the Customer and Active Case Builder Database) or delete the database from within the Case Builder Offering. All data removal and data deletion will be carried out in accordance with DISCO’s standard processes and procedures.