Join DISCO at ILTACON 2024

Booth #214
August 11–15, 2024   Nashville, TN

Book a Strategic Briefing with DISCO

The DISCO Booth

Technology so good, you won’t believe it’s legal. Come visit our team at booth #214 where we’ll have demos of what’s new with DISCO, daily prizes for participating in our DISCO Challenge, and some neat swag.

Cecilia UI

Book a Strategic Briefing with DISCO

Monday, August 12 through Wednesday, August 14

Want to uplevel your legal practice? Book an on-site meeting with our team to learn about our offerings and see how we can help meet your litigation and ediscovery needs.

  • Discuss how legal tech can address your specific goals and challenges
  • Learn how AI streamlines your litigation workflows – safely and compliantly
  • Get a firsthand look at where legal tech is going next
Schedule a meeting


Master Class: Defending Generative AI: Choosing the Right Use Cases and Ensuring Governance

Monday, August 12 • 4:00pm CT - 5:00pm CT

There’s been a lot of skepticism around the use of AI in the legal industry, exacerbated by recent news like the New York and Boston attorneys who included ChatGPT-fabricated case law in their briefs. At the same time, generative AI shows great promise for first-pass document review, fact investigation on large datasets, and more. This course will help legal teams understand and defend their use of this new technology. Including: picking the right use cases, doing due diligence, choosing a defensible workflow, and thinking about governance in light of generative AI.


Kristin Zmrhal

Vice President, Product Strategy, DISCO

Anush Emelianova

Senior Product Marketing Manager, DISCO

Company Update: Making Law Better at Every Stage of Your Case

Wednesday, August 14 • 3:30pm CT - 4:30pm CT

DISCO is bringing the power of technology and generative AI to legal teams in a scalable and secure way. Join us to see how you can uplevel your work from initial case strategy and fact investigation to first-pass document review and quickly obtaining answers during trial.


Katie DeBord

Vice President, Product Strategy, DISCO

Kristin Zmrhal

Vice President, Product Strategy, DISCO

Panel Discussion: The Human Factor: Becoming AI-Proof in Ediscovery

Thursday, August 15 • 11:00am CT

With the growing promise of AI to automate and streamline various aspects of ediscovery, the importance of human insight, creativity, and ethical judgment becomes increasingly paramount. This session will explore the unique value that litigation technology/ediscovery professionals bring to the table, emphasizing how essential human qualities like critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and ethical decision-making can complement and enhance AI technologies.


James Park

Director, AI Consulting

What You Missed at ILTACON 2024 and Why It Matters

Tuesday, August 20 • 11:00am CT

Join us for a comprehensive recap of the biggest topics, innovations, and trends that were the talk of the conference, and what they mean for your practice. Our expert panel will share actionable takeaways and highlights from standout sessions, how to implement learning from ILTACON into your practice, and more. Whether you're attending ILTACON and are in need of a refresher or can't make it to the conference this year, register to ensure you’re up-to-date with the latest in legal tech.

Register for the webinar


Justin Hoffman

VP, Customer Enablement & Success

Kristin Zmrhal

Vice President, Product Strategy, DISCO

Anush Emelianova

Senior Product Marketing Manager, DISCO

Katie DeBord

Vice President, Product Strategy, DISCO

James Park

Director, AI Consulting