Get Comfortable Defending AI Methodologies: A Masterclass

Get Comfortable Defending AI Methodologies: A Masterclass

About the webinar

In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Explain, advocate for, and defend the use of AI in legal practices
  • Bridge the gap between technological innovation and legal expertise
  • Protect yourself and your organization from AI hallucinations
  • Communicate the benefits of AI-powered workflows to clients

Our Speakers

Umair Muhajir

Unlock the Webinar

About the event

In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Explain, advocate for, and defend the use of AI in legal practices
  • Bridge the gap between technological innovation and legal expertise
  • Protect yourself and your organization from AI hallucinations
  • Communicate the benefits of AI-powered workflows to clients


Umair Muhajir

May 8, 2024
Event Type