Even the biggest firms and managed review providers operate using estimates of time and cost. While an estimate is certainly good enough for many situations (for example, calling a car to go to dinner) it is not sufficient in important situations (for example, calling an ambulance to go to the hospital). But why would you settle for good enough when you can have a guarantee?
Moving to DISCO has given me a new outlook on managed review. After 10 years in an industry with stagnant processes and antiquated technology, I’ve been able to optimize workflows and shape a managed review team that reviews documents 60% faster than the industry average. We consistently finish reviews ahead of time and under budget.
Unlike providers that can only provide an estimate about the cost of their projects, DISCO’s software and methods are consistent and reliable. Instead of guessing how much a project will cost and how long it will take, I can ensure that there will be zero cost overruns and the project will finish on time.
This has led to something I’m proud to stand behind: our guarantee. We will finish your managed review project on time and on budget. It’s a bold guarantee that I could never imagine giving anywhere else. But here at DISCO, we will put it in our contract so you can hold us to it.
So what makes DISCO’s managed review different?
Finding the best
We start by using the best reviewers in the market. We provide training to our reviewers not just on the DISCO platform, but on ediscovery best practices. We keep our reviewers moving from case to case so they’re not worried about ending the matter early and getting fired. Instead, our reviewers are invested in doing the best possible job for our clients so that our clients keep coming back. That’s why 80% of our clients come back to us within 3 months of a managed review project.
When our reviewers are working harder to take care of our clients, we’re getting better results than anyone else in the industry. Our teams are much faster than our competitors, and they’re also much more accurate. Those consistent results mean that the teams are predictable, and that predictability means that we can guarantee our results.
Additionally, we use DISCO exclusively to review documents. I’ve been blown away by DISCO’s speed, power, and ease of use — there’s really no reason to use any other platform. Other software is unpredictable, making it hard to piece together an estimate, but DISCO is always lightning fast.
Maximizing the best
With fantastic reviewers and spectacular software, we can reliably predict our throughput. Our other advantage is our workflows. Every week, I meet with our data scientists and our AI team to discuss how our managed review team is doing. We measure performance constantly and are able to integrate statistical science into every step of our process. We can minimize the number of documents that need to be reviewed and find the responsive documents quicker thanks to these workflows.
Without access to the same reviewers, the same technology, and the same workflows that we have at DISCO, it makes sense why an estimate is the best managed review vendors can do. We can guarantee our costs and our timelines because we simply have a better process and platform — and therefore, better results.