Better, Faster Ingest of All the Data You Need

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When documents come in, an invisible timer starts running for legal professionals. Before you can get eyes on a single document, there’s a lengthy back-and-forth with the vendor to get the data ingested into the review platform. At every step, there is cause for worry: How soon can my team load up and start reviewing this production or collection? When will I be able to report progress to my client and internal stakeholders? Then there’s the negotiation over enrichment: will the client pay for email threading, OCR, most-inclusive email detection, and everything else?

If the goal is to get lawyers closer to their evidence, then quick ingest and robust enrichment of documents are table stakes. Vendors and service providers often require lawyers to reach out before deleting data or refuse to allow data to be deleted altogether. Yet legal teams really prefer to have control over their own data. One litigation support veteran recently told our team she was frustrated with her firm’s current review platform because it required vendor assistance for basic evidence-related tasks, such as culling documents or setting up productions. She switched to DISCO Ediscovery and says it’s “the best hosting and review platform on the market, and I have seen most, if not all of them.” Read her story here.

Start reviewing fast

Legal teams can ingest their own documents and map fields with a streamlined, automated interface in DISCO Ediscovery. Documents are processed in parallel and fully enriched so the team can start reviewing right away. No need to languish in suspense: 85% of data ingests complete in less than 30 minutes. That means case teams can start looking at the trends in the data, and get back to the client, the same day data is received rather than later than week.

Get the full context the first time you open a document

Case timelines can move fast, and case teams should never have to wait for data to be processed. Instead, data is fully enriched as soon as it’s ingested into DISCO Ediscovery. It’s deduped, OCR-ed, threaded, imaged, and organized by topic and by AI prediction, without any extra charge or extra clicks. Learn more about our enrichment process and the DISCO data management suite here.

And more!

DISCO Ediscovery users will notice even more improvements to the ingest process over the coming weeks as part of our ongoing commitment to keep improving the user experience and increasing quality of life. We upgraded the ingest status screens for even better visibility into the ingest process, so users can get to the real legal work as soon as possible.

A view of the new and improved ingest screen

Here are some more ways we’ve made ingest even better recently:

  • Added more automapped fields when ingesting data with a load file, reducing ingest errors 
  • Improved the performance of the high-speed uploader, with even faster transfer, file scanning, packaging, and processing times
  • Augmented error detection and validation when ingesting improperly formatted load files
  • Further upgraded support for particularly unwieldy PDFs, so there’s no need to leave the platform even for unusually large files

Download our feature overview to learn more about the DISCO data management suite, or click here to see a demo of DISCO Ediscovery.

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Anush Emelianova

Anush Emelianova is a product marketing manager at DISCO.  Before joining DISCO to further the cause of legal technology and AI adoption, she spent 10 years practicing litigation and counseling clients on data breach response and data privacy compliance.
