Cecilia in Action: Streamline Investigation and Doc Review With Your New AI Fact Expert


What if you could surface hot docs in a matter of seconds, not months?

Or ingest thousands of documents in minutes — and have the timeline automatically generated for you?

And that’s just the beginning.

In this 60-minute session, you will learn how DISCO’s Cecilia can:

  1. Easily search and provide factual answers about your case, with sources cited
  2. Discover hot documents human reviewers missed
  3. Automatically tag documents – with explanations for each decision
  4. Free you to do what you went to law school for – practice law

In this DISCO Product Showcase, our product experts Betny Townsend and Devin Kani will introduce you to Cecilia, the AI fact expert that helps eliminate the tedious parts of litigation workflows.

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