A global financial services and digital payments company experiencing rapid growth struggled to scale its processes to handle the 400+ custodians the legal department needed to work with to implement and track legal holds. With data spanning multiple software tools, including Google Vault and Slack, not to mention the faxes and paper files generated by many departments, the legal team had to manually add data for all of these systems to preservation efforts. As a result, the legal department’s resources were overwhelmingly consumed by legal holds and increasingly high levels of job dissatisfaction. Understanding this wasn’t a tenable long-term solution, the company looked to find a software tool that could help streamline the legal hold process. After evaluating the options on the market, the company chose DISCO Hold because it enabled the team to automate legal hold workflows for sending legal hold notices, preserve data in place, and leverage API integrations to handle the sprawl of data across the organization. Taken together, the ability to automate the legal hold process and use software integrations not only helped improve employee morale but increased the productivity and efficiency of the legal hold process by 80%.